Saturday, March 28, 2020

Organic Chemistry Reagents Guide

Organic Chemistry Reagents GuideOrganic chemistry reagents guide should be handy for all those who are serious about chemistry. This book contains very valuable information on what you need to know about organic chemistry. It is very important that if you are going to study chemistry then you need to have this book because it is very essential in the job of a chemist.The book is great because it has a lot of categories on it. You can find different areas, which includes sections on: reaction, measurement, clarification, safety, and safety regulation. The book is really useful and easy to use. Here are some of the essential information that you will get from this book.The introduction to organic chemistry is very important and you should get it as soon as possible. In this section, you will learn about organic synthesis, and organic synthesis and reactions. This is very good, as it will help you understand that this is actually a relatively simple science.Another important aspect of t he book is regulation. Regulation helps you in understanding the science very clearly. Regulation should be a bit tough, as it helps you understand that as a chemist, you are responsible in the outcome of the chemical reaction. Some people think that regulation is very boring but it is very important.In this section, you will also learn about different research substances. Different research substances are important for chemistry.There are many valuable tips in this guide such as use light when mixing up the organic chemistry reagents. Also, when mixing up the reagents, you must use clean fingers and mouth.There are so many great things to be learned from this book. It is very necessary that you have this book. It will make your job easier in studying.

Friday, March 6, 2020

International School of Stuttgart e.V.

International School of Stuttgart e.V. International School of Stuttgart e.V. For thirty years, the International School of Stuttgart (ISS) has been theonly school in the Stuttgart region to offer a truly international education authorized and accredited by the Council of International Schools, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, and the International Baccalaureate Organization. Recognized by the state of Baden-Württemberg, ISS offers a diverse and exciting experiential and student-centered curriculum to a co-educational, multi-cultural student body of over 800 students from over 45countries. We believe that ISS provides the very educational excellence that Stuttgart, home of world renowned and innovative corporate leaders, requires. From Early Yearsthrough grade 12, ISSis a vibrant, student-centered learning community where both subject rigor and character development are fostered, where tradition is valued and innovation embraced and where partnership with parents is a fundamental part of ourphilosophy.

3 Intern Blogs You Should be Reading

3 Intern Blogs You Should be Reading Photo courtesy of Flickr user Sarah Ross Beginning an internship can be quite stressful, especially your first internship with a large company. Luckily, there are many helpful blogs that offer tips and advice from other interns experiences. 1. Ed2010: Eds Intern Diaries is known for its helpful information regarding magazine and media internships, jobs, and advice. Additionally, the website has an anonymous Intern Diaries blog platform.  The interns write about their experiences in their particular departments, without releasing specific information such as what company they are working for, their name, and sometimes their location. The advice ranges from mid-internship review to Office Gossip. 2. Her Campus: Intern Diaries which is tailored specifically for college women brings in its Intern Diaries by discussing helpful advice  and problems that interns could possibly run into. Of course fashion tips and healthy eating snacks are thrown into the mix. One helpful post I suggest interns read is The Intern Survival Kit. One helpful exert from the Intern Survival Kit reads:  Okay, I will admit I have always been the girl that refuses to buy “sensible” shoes (all of the high heels in my closet are at least 4 inches tall), but when you work in a corporate office running up and down hallways and stairs going to meetings all day it is completely necessary to have comfy flats to wear. 3. The Washington Post: That Intern This hilarious blog specifying That intern by interesting things interns decide to do or they way they behave while interning at various companies. While the reads are helpful, they tend to be a source of intern comic relief.  Theres the Escalefter Intern, the Super-Old Intern, and many other funny favorites. One helpful passage from the Escalefter Intern reads, Pedestrian traffic halts, and people shout at the escalefter intern: Stand on the right! The left is for walking! Move! Get out of the way! Check out these interesting and informative blogs periodically during your internship so you can learn from other interns mistakes.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

OFSTED may soon give Schools just over 2 hours notice - Tutor Hunt Blog

OFSTED may soon give Schools just over 2 hours notice OFSTED may soon give schools just over 2 hours notice before an inspection OFSTED may soon give schools just over 2 hours notice before an inspectionSchoolsI was a teacher for more than 15 years, and certainly have many fond memories of my time in the profession. What I remember most strongly though are when things weren`t going so smoothly. Perhaps it`s a feature the human condition, that the memories of happy events all tend to blur together, but more unsettling incidents stand out starkly. I only realised when I sat down to write this article that my strongest recollections are the periods of blind panic, the fear all the teaching staff felt when we were expecting a visit from Ofsted. The headmaster would summon us all into his office, each already knowing, by the faltering tone of his voice and his pale pallor, that the inspectors had informed him of their intention to inspect the school. I remember that we were always given two or three days notice - a grace period before Ofsted actually arrived. During these days we were all on overdrive: every aspect of the school was frantically attended to, with teachers doing their best to ensure all would be pristine and perfect by the time the people with their black folders arrived. I seem to remember we always did well, but the days before an inspection were hard ones indeed. In recent years the notice period has shrunk rather drastically, with ofsted typically informing a school in the afternoon that they plan to visit them the following day. I can`t imagine the pressure that must put teachers under, and can well imagine many of them spend the night in their classrooms, in order to ensure everything is ready for the inspectors in the morning. I`m certainly grateful that we always had a few days to ensure everything was put in order. There are rumours that ofsted are soon to shrink the notice period even further though, all the way down to a mere 150 minutes of warning time. That`s right, new plans indicate that a school will be contacted before 10am, and the inspectors will arrive sometime after 12:30am the very same day! If this had been the policy in some of the schools I worked in, the Headmaster wouldn`t have had to summon us into his office after receiving the red news, we could have deduced that `they` were coming by hearing his screams! Quite understandably there have been a number of people who are strongly against these new proposals. Mary Bousted, the National Education Union joint general secretary has said that the short notice period will put teachers under too much pressure: `Given the scale of change that Ofsted is proposing with its new framework I think it is only common courtesy for school leaders to be given at least 24 hours before visiting to give them time to prepare and collect their thoughts.` Ofsted have said that, even though they will arrive just few hours after first notifying the school, the inspection will not actually begin until the following day. I suspect that this will offer little comfort to teaching staff, knowing that the inspectors are hardly likely to overlook any anomalies they see during the first day. Also the senior leaders of the school will probably be required to accompany the inspectors the moment they arrive, thus impeding them from preparing for the full inspection later. Another issue of course is what happens if the headteacher is not present in the school the day the inspectors make their phonecall? The role of a headteacher is a complex and variegated one, and it is usual for them to working off site, perhaps meeting with members of the local council, or school governors at other locations during the week. Mary Bousted raised this issue, stressing that headteachers need to be present during an inspection, and that more notice period needs to be given: `This comes back to the problems that Ofsted has had when it has tried to bring in no notice inspections. There is a logistical problem about whether headteachers will be there to speak to.` `I think it also shows a lack of courtesy to school leaders who should be given time to prepare and collect their thoughts rather than getting a phone-call which says `We are coming to your school and you need to be ready to start talking about inspection`.` Of course schools need to be regularly inspected by an independent organisation - the vast majority are funded with taxpayers money, and the general public have a right to know that standards are being maintained. There needs to be a fair balance though - the inspectorate must be aware of the huge amount of pressure teachers are already under, and it would be unfair to compound this with their every working day being a potential inspection day. 14 months ago0Add a Comment

Teach English and Become a Tutor

Teach English and Become a TutorIf you have a passion for computers and English, then preply become a tutor would be a good option for you. As a tutor, you will be responsible for teaching the course material to students in high school and junior college level.This career has many advantages, especially if you are the type of person who likes to help out people. Aside from being able to make friends with people from all over the world, you will also be earning some nice money. In order to become a tutor, you will need to study further as well as show some aptitude in communicating with people. Other than the amount of time you will have to put in for study, it is important that you understand the different ways to interact with students as well as teach them.Teaching is not always the best job, but it can certainly bring you a lot of reward. Besides being able to help your future students, you will also be involved in making a difference in their lives. As a tutor, you will be able t o ensure that every student that comes into contact with you is able to learn, learn.In order to become a tutor, you will need to find a college or junior college in which you will be eligible for enrollment. Before you enroll, it is important that you apply for admission into a student teacher program so that you can be considered for the best possible job.The application process is easy because there are many programs available. You can apply online and include your resume along with your contact information. Once you are admitted, you will need to provide additional information such as your language skills and job history.Once you are enrolled, you will be responsible for helping students learn English. You will have to learn how to effectively communicate with students through writing, answering questions and even visiting students'homes to guide them through the course material.After you graduate from college level, you will be eligible for a better job with regard to helping s tudents become professionals. So if you think that you would be able to do it, then you will find out that becoming a tutor is the best job for you.

Learn English Grammar by Yourself - Find Online Resource

Learn English Grammar by Yourself - Find Online ResourceHaving the advantage of doing something online is a great idea, but learning English grammar should not be treated as a distant dream. If you are someone who likes to read an English book as well as the audio lessons, then the online facility can really help you immensely. In the future, there will be more people who would prefer to learn online rather than going to the local store to do so. With the advent of the internet, it has made things easier and more comfortable for the learners as well.Learning the English grammar by yourself can be extremely difficult. There are many reasons why most people find it hard to learn this language. It is due to the fact that they are not too familiar with its characters, vocabulary, and many more. This can be possible because the language has changed and so much of the basic vocabulary has changed with the new rule of grammar. So, it would not be possible for the learner to get through with the process if he is not familiar with it.What will be needed is an online tool that will help you in the process of learning English grammar. You need not worry about your search for the appropriate information or to collect the best material. This is a major concern for the beginners of English language.The online system can be very helpful. There are a number of resources available in the web. These include grammar books, audio tapes, and online sources. Whatever you think to be effective and useful, there is definitely a resource available. The resource is simply the system which will help you learn the language by yourself.One of the most important things that the learners need to remember is that the grammar in the language has been modified. The thing is that this will make the work more difficult for the learners, and this also plays an important role in making the process of learning easier. For the learners, who are not used to the idea of grammar, it may be very difficul t for them to follow the new rules. However, the online resource can make things easier for them.Using the online tool to learn the English grammar will not only make the process easy, but will also make you understand the concept very quickly. When we talk about grammar, it is because of the different forms of words in the language. There are two forms of each word, such as the informal and the formal form. The main difference between the two is that the latter is used more often. It is the easiest form of the word. There are some variations in the use of the forms, but they are basically the same.You can find the online resource for the English grammar online. You just have to access it from your computer and get started. You do not have to wait for the next lesson, as the program will give you some helpful tips in the process of learning. If you are considering learning the language by yourself, it is advisable that you should try out the online tool.

8 Dazzling Audition Songs for Altos [Videos]

8 Dazzling Audition Songs for Altos [Videos] Sign up successful Old Standards: “Stormy Weather” here’s a classic torch song with lots of emotion and a truly gorgeous vocal line, making it the  perfect audition song for an alto interested in jazz. It was written by Harold Arlen, who composed the music for “Wizard of Oz”. There are many fantastic renditions out there, but Lena Horne’s is one of the best: “River of No Return”   this is a song from the Marilyn Monroe movie of the same name. This is a lovely song that is rarely performed because it sits very, VERY low perfect for true alto voices! Pop/Rock: “Constant Craving” who doesn’t love this song? It’s an interesting hybrid of jazz and pop.  k.d. lang’s flawless performance definitely inspires. This song can go anywhere an audition for a band, a cabaret show… you name it! “I Feel the Earth Move” from Carole King’s album “Tapestry” was made for pop/rock altos. All of her songs on this album are excellent, but this is one of the uptempo songs for some contrast. Not only is this a great audition song for bands, talent shows, and open mics, but it also works for musical theatre, since there is now a Broadway show (“Beautiful”) that features all Carole King songs! Musical Theatre: “If He Really Knew Me” this is a very moving ballad from “They’re Playing Our Song” by Marvin Hamlisch. Its perfect for musical theatre altos who consider themselves more pop-ish, rather than brassy belters. The other plus to this song is that audition panels usually love hearing it, since it’s far from overdone! “I’ve Got The Sun in the Morning” this older show tune from Irving Berlin’s beloved “Annie Get Your Gun” is uptempo and just plain fun! A wide variety of lower-voiced ladies have performed this (including Doris Day and Reba McEntire!), but here is the original performer, the great belter Ethel Merman: Classical: “Stride la vampa” this is only for mature altos who have studied and performed for many years! Verdi is definitely meant for the professionals. This very dramatic operatic aria from “Il Trovatore” will show off your trill, your low chest notes, and your acting chops as well. Here is the great Marilyn Horne, who happens to have ALL of that and then some! Of course, the best resource for repertoire is your voice teacher! He or she really knows your voice and abilities, and can work with you in finding the perfect audition songs for altos to best show you off, musically, vocally, and dramatically. Part of the fun of being a singer is discovering the repertoire that speaks to you, and there are many qualified voice teachers out there who would love to help you with that especially you wonderful, rare altos! The dazzling doesnt stop here!  Click here for even more songs to sing. Molly R. teaches online and in-person singing lessons in Hayward, CA. Her specialties include teaching beginner vocalists, shy singers, children, teens, lapsed singers, and older beginners. She joined TakeLessons in November 2013.  Learn more about Molly  here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Will Murphy

How Social Media Affects College Admissions

How Social Media Affects College Admissions Years ago, personal essays, interviews, and grades mattered most in college admissions. Today, however, there is another factor that plays a role in your chances of getting into college: your social media profiles. Social media can affect college admissions in both positive and negative ways. Oftentimes, students post items that they dont realize might be controversial. But in a time when admissions counselors may check out your social media identity, its vital to exercise smart thinking when posting online. Now that you know admissions counselors are looking at your online profiles, how exactly does social media influence your chances of getting into college? Read on to find out which of your social media posts may affect your college admissions. [RELATED: What College Students Should Know About Social Media] Social media posts that can bolster your college admissions chances Community participation Social media posts that convey your commitment to building a positive community within your high school or neighborhood can create a great impression, as admissions counselors hope to see that you will be a meaningful part of their campus communities. Examples can include: Instagram photographs of you working to create a club or program that opens space for communication or artistic expression. Twitter posts to increase participation in your group. Academic or extracurricular awards Pictures or a description of an award you received but didnt mention in your application may positively affect your impression on admissions counselors. Even if you did mention these awards in your application, posts on social media that reference them can reinforce your dedication to your education. Unique accomplishments Have you founded your own business or completed a large research project? Social media posts about your unique accomplishments will likely helpnot hurtyour chances of college admission. [RELATED: 3 Questions to Ask Your Guidance Counselor About College] Social media posts that can harm your college admissions chances Discrimination Racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination can greatly harm your college admissions chances. They suggest that you are capable of intolerancesomething that is unwelcome on college campuses. Illegal activity Many college applications include a section that asks about previous arrests or criminal activity. If you lie about your history of illegal activity, the college or university may rescind your application. In recent years, it has become more common for people with criminal histories to share their stories on social media in order to dissuade others from illegal activity. While this can be a form of healing, admissions counselors may view it unfavorably if you fail to disclose this past on your application. In addition, posting photographs with alcohol or drugs will reflect very poorly on you. Violence Posting pictures or videos with weapons, violent language, or threats is a massive red flag to admissions counselors. Remember that college campuses are meant to be places of peace and inclusion. [RELATED: What to Do After Youve Submitted Your College Applications] The bottom line on social media and college admissions Not all admissions counselors scan students social media pages as part of the application process. However, with an immense number of college applicants using social media, some admissions counselors do turn to it for additional information when vetting applications. Take note of the above tips to ensure your social media posts help your chances of getting into college. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

A Little Bit of Country Easy Classic Country Songs for Guitarists

A Little Bit of Country Easy Classic Country Songs for Guitarists Sign up successful From the early days when he was writing hits like Crazy for Patsy Cline, to the 80s gypsy anthem On the Road Again, Nelson has inspired several generations of guitarists with his guitar Trigger, a 1969 Martin N-20 guitar. Nelson says that his favorite guitar player is Django Reinhardt. His simple chord progressions often flavor Django-like riffs, making his tunes perfect for someone learning guitar, but also great for more experienced musicians. So whether youre a beginner or an advanced guitarists, here are two Willie Nelson hits youll love to play. Crazy Written by Willie Nelson  Recorded by Patsy Cline Crazy has a good amount of chord changes over relatively simple chords. The song is slow enough that the chord changes are not too difficult, but once mastered, this is a very satisfying song to play. It starts on a G chord, then moves to an E chord, which is an extremely easy transition for a beginner guitarist. The E then moves to an Am chord, which is the same chord form, just moved to different strings. Next, move to D7. This simple pattern repeats for the rest of the verse, before moving to a basic C-G-D7 pattern for the chorus, with an A7 thrown in for good measure. So instead of including difficult jumps and chord movements, Nelson shows an economy of motion when he moves from one simple chord to another. Plus, the song includes simple chords that any beginner should know. G E7 Am Crazy Im crazy for feeling so lonely D7 G Im crazy crazy for feeling so blue E7 Am I know youd love me as long as you wanted D7 G And then someday youd leave me for somebody new C G Worry why do I let myself worry A7 D7 Wondering what in the world did I do G E7 Am Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you C D7 Am G Im crazy for trying crazy for crying Am D7 G And Im crazy for lov-ing you E7 Am Crazy Im crazy for feeling so lonely D7 G Im crazy crazy for feeling so blue E7 Am I know youd love me as long as you wanted D7 G And then someday youd leave me for somebody new C G Worry why do I let myself worry A7 D7 Wondering what in the world did I do G E7 Am Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you C D7 Am G Im crazy for trying crazy for crying Am D7 G And Im crazy for lov-ing you On the Road Again Written and Recorded by Willie Nelson This classic country song has a gospel-like chord progression. It moves from the beginning C chord to an E7, and just like many gospel songs, moves to a Dm chord before finishing with a standard cadence of F to G. The chorus is also interesting, as it revolves around the simple I IV V of C F and G, but Nelson uses the Dm and the E7 chords to flavor the chorus. This simple but catchy song is easy to learn, and satisfying to the beginning guitarist whos learning to branch out from the basics of I IV and V, and add a few more chords to their bag of tricks. What are some of your favorite classic country songs? Let us know in the comments below! C E7 On the road again just cant wait to get on the road again Dm The life I love is making music with my friends F G7 C And I cant wait to get on the road again C7 F C On the road again like a band of gypsies we go down highway F C Were the best of friends insisting that the world keep turning our way G7 C E7 And our way is on the road again just cant wait to get on the road again Dm The life I love is making music with my friends F G7 C And I cant wait to get on the road again C E7 On the road again goin places that Ive never been Dm Seein things that I may never see again F G7 C And I cant wait to get on the road again C7 F C On the road again like a band of gypsies we go down highway F C Were the best of friends insisting that the world keep turning our way G7 C E7 And our way is on the road again just cant wait to get on the road again Dm The life I love is making music with my friends F G7 C And I cant wait to get on the road again Give these songs a try and let us know what you think. Need some extra help? Find a guitar teacher in your area. What are some of your favorite classic country songs? Share them in the comments below! Willy M. teaches guitar, ukulele, and mandolin lessons in Winston, NC. He is the author of the Dead Mans Tuning series of mandolin songbooks, and is a former member of the American Federation of Musicians. Willy has been teaching for 20 years, and his students have ranged in age from young children to folks in their 80s. Learn more about Willy here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by John P.